Config File

Config = {}

Config.Framework = "qb-core" -- set to "ESX", "qb-core" or "Custom" if you have a custom framework.
-- If you use qb-core set the framework to the name of your core folder. Example: If you have renamed your core to "test-core" set it to "test-core".
-- Edit the functions/events in client/edit.lua and server/edit.lua if you are using a custom framework.


-- Job options --

Config.RequireJob = "trucker" -- set to false if you dont want to require a job.


Config.Ped = "s_m_m_trucker_01" -- Change to your own ped if you want to use a custom ped. Example: "a_m_m_hillbilly_01"
Config.Ped_Location = vector4(153.29, -3210.25, 5.91, 82.3) -- Location where the ped will spaw

Config.RequireTruck = false -- Set this to true if you want the player to own a truck in order to start the delivery. If false, a truck is spawned for the player. Once the delivery is complete, the player must go and return the truck in order to get their deposit back.
Config.SpawnRentalTruck = vector4(164.44, -3217.75, 5.91, 271.56)
Config.ReturnTruck = vector3(165.2, -3217.6, 5.9)
Config.RentalTrucks = { -- Spawns a random truck if player rents a vehicle

Config.locale = "en" -- Here you can select a language. All the availalbe languages can be found in the locales folder

Config.RequestJobLocation = vector3(153.19, -3211.68, 5.91) -- Location where you request a job

Config.AllowedVehicles = { -- Which vehicles a player need to start a delivery.

Config.SortPrice = 2 -- Select 1 if you want the highest paying delivery routes first. Select 2 if you want the lowest paying delivery routes first

Config.DeliveryOptions = {
	[1] = {
		label = "Food Delivery", -- Label used in menu

		Deposit = true, -- If you want to require a deposit for starting a delivery
		DepositPrice = 2000, -- Deposit price
		DepositType = "bank", -- Deposit type, Can be either "bank" or "cash"

		reward = 60, -- Amount of money a player should recive per meter driven
		OwnTruckReward = 100, -- Amount of money a player should recive per meter driven if the player owns the truck and Config.RequireTruck = false
		rewardtype = "bank", -- which type of money the player should recive. Could be Bank or Cash

		DeliveryLocations = { -- Here you can add a infinite amount of locations. One of these locations will be picked on delivery start
			vector3(-25.83, 6264.17, 31.2),
			vector3(-603.48, -891.66, 25.19),
			vector3(-1214.29, -884.5, 12.82),
			vector3(-1395.0, -581.63, 30.23),
			vector3(2008.34, 3054.13, 47.04),
			vector3(1417.19, 3621.22, 34.88)

		TrailerLocations = { -- Here you can add a infinite amount of locations. One of these locations will be picked on delivery start
			vector4(1054.47, -3154.5, 5.9, 179.03),
			vector4(1058.2, -3154.22, 5.9, 181.45),
			vector4(1054.23, -3131.53, 5.9, 358.62)

		Trailers =	{ -- Here you can add a infinite amount of trailers. One of these trailers will be picked on delivery start
	[2] = {
		label = "Vehicle Delivery",

		Deposit = true,
		DepositPrice = 2000,
		DepositType = "bank",

		reward = 60,
		OwnTruckReward = 100,
		rewardtype = "bank",

		DeliveryLocations = {
			--vector3(-782.44, -194.29, 37.28),
			--vector3(-16.89, -1101.54, 26.68),
			--vector3(1211.1, 2722.36, 38.0),
			--vector3(158.62, 6440.19, 31.3),
			vector3(-42.86, -1678.27, 29.43)

		TrailerLocations = {
			vector4(1054.47, -3154.5, 5.9, 179.03),
			vector4(1058.2, -3154.22, 5.9, 181.45),
			vector4(1054.23, -3131.53, 5.9, 358.62)

		Trailers = {

Config.BlipMarkerOptions = {
	-- Trucking Blip
	TruckingBlipSprite = 67, 
	TruckingBlipScale = 0.6,
	TruckingBlipColor = 3,
	TruckingBlipText = "Trucking Job",

	--Trailer blip
	TrailerBlipSprite = 479, 
	TrailerBlipScale = 0.6,
	TrailerBlipColor = 2,
	TrailerBlipText = "Cargo Trailer",

	--Destination blip
	DestinationBlipSprite = 473,
	DestinationBlipScale = 0.6,
	DestinationBlipColor = 2,
	DestinationBlipText = "Drop off location",

	-- Universal Marker Options
	MarkerType = 27,
	MarkerColor = 43,

	MarkerOverTrailer = true -- Set this to false if you want to hide the marker over your trailer.

Config.DebugMode = true -- debug mode is highly reccomended. It can detect most error on its own

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