Config File

--      $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$$$\ $$\              $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  
--      $$  __$$\ $$  _____|$$  __$$\ $$  _____|$$ |            $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ \_$$  _|$$  __$$\\__$$  __|$$  __$$\ 
--      $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |            $$ /  \__|$$ /  \__|$$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |   $$ /  \__|
--      $$$$$$$  |$$$$$\    $$$$$$$\ |$$$$$\    $$ |            \$$$$$$\  $$ |      $$$$$$$  |  $$ |  $$$$$$$  |  $$ |   \$$$$$$\  
--      $$  __$$< $$  __|   $$  __$$\ $$  __|   $$ |             \____$$\ $$ |      $$  __$$<   $$ |  $$  ____/   $$ |    \____$$\ 
--      $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |            $$\   $$ |$$ |  $$\ $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |        $$ |   $$\   $$ |
--      $$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\       \$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |$$$$$$\ $$ |        $$ |   \$$$$$$  |
--      \__|  \__|\________|\_______/ \________|\________|       \______/  \______/ \__|  \__|\______|\__|        \__|    \______/ 

Config = {}

Config.Img = "qb-inventory/html/images/" -- Path to images folder. Example: "qb-inventory/html/images/", "esx_inventoryhud/html/images/" etc.
-- Set to nil if you don't have any inventory images. ^^

Config.Locale = "en" -- supported locales are "en", "sv" & "custom"
Config.Framework = "qb-core" -- set to "ESX", "qb-core" or "Custom" if you have a custom framework.
-- If you use qb-core set the framework to the name of your core folder. Example: If you have renamed your core to "test-core" set it to "test-core".
-- Edit the functions/events in client/edit.lua and server/edit.lua if you are using a custom framework.

-- Webhooks
Config.Webhooks = {
    Purchases = {
        "example webook2"
    Recipe_Selected = {
        "example webook2"
    Added_Ingredients = {
        "example webook2"
    Mashing_Started = {
        "example webook2"
    Fermenting_Started = {
        "example webook2"
    Brew_Stored = {
        "example webook2"
    Beer_Made = {
        "example webook2"

Config.RequiredJobGrade = 1 -- The required job grade to access the boss menu (ONLY NEEDED FOR ESX & CUSTOM)

-- Ped Options --
Config.Ped_Hash = "mp_m_g_vagfun_01"
Config.Ped_Location = vector4(-1379.32, -307.67, 39.88, 181.32)

-- Shop Settings
Config.Shop_Settings = {
    Label = "Brewer Shop",
    Description = "All the essential ingredients to make the perfect brew...",

    Shop_Items = {
        [1] = {
            item = "grain",
            price = 50,
            required_grade = 0
        [2] = {
            item = "yeast",
            price = 250,
            required_grade = 0
        [3] = {
            item = "grape",
            price = 4,
            required_grade = 0
        [4] = {
            item = "apple",
            price = 12,
            required_grade = 0
        [5] = {
            item = "empty_beer_bottle",
            price = 12,
            required_grade = 0
        [6] = {
            item = "honey",
            price = 10,
            required_grade = 0
        [7] = {
            item = "pear",
            price = 4,
            required_grade = 0
        [8] = {
            item = "banana",
            price = 4,
            required_grade = 0
        [9] = {
            item = "citrus",
            price = 4,
            required_grade = 0

-- Blip Options --
Config.Blip_Options = {
    Blip_Location = vector3(-1386.16, -306.58, 43.82),
    Blip_Sprite = 536, -- You can find blip sprites here
    Blip_Color = 5, -- You can find blip colors here
    Blip_Scale = 0.6, -- Size of the blip, normally 0.6
    Blip_Text = "The Brewery Co"

-- QB Target Options --
Config.Target_Poly_Zones = {
    Boss_Menu = { location = vector3(-1378.64, -311.36, 42.61), heading = 352, length = 0.6, width = 0.35, minZ=43.55, maxZ= 43.6, distance = 2.0, debugPoly = false },

    Barrels = {
        -- Box Zones
        { location = vector3(-1377.26, -308.52, 39.88), heading = 42, length = 2.3, width = 0.5, minZ=39.0, maxZ= 41.0, distance = 2.0, debugPoly = false },
        { location = vector3(-1375.26, -310.8, 39.88), heading = 42, length = 2.3, width = 0.5, minZ=39.0, maxZ= 41.0, distance = 2.0, debugPoly = false },
        { location = vector3(-1380.75, -311.65, 39.88), heading = 42, length = 2.3, width = 0.5, minZ=39.0, maxZ= 41.0, distance = 2.0, debugPoly = false },
        { location = vector3(-1378.76, -313.9, 39.88), heading = 42, length = 2.3, width = 0.5, minZ=39.0, maxZ= 41.0, distance = 2.0, debugPoly = false },
        { location = vector3(-1381.87, -312.62, 39.88), heading = 42, length = 2.3, width = 0.5, minZ=39.0, maxZ= 41.0, distance = 2.0, debugPoly = false },
        { location = vector3(-1379.89, -314.86, 39.88), heading = 42, length = 2.3, width = 0.5, minZ=39.0, maxZ= 41.0, distance = 2.0, debugPoly = false },
        { location = vector3(-1383.37, -317.98, 39.88), heading = 42, length = 2.3, width = 0.5, minZ=39.0, maxZ= 41.0, distance = 2.0, debugPoly = false },
        { location = vector3(-1385.37, -315.73, 39.88), heading = 42, length = 2.3, width = 0.5, minZ=39.0, maxZ= 41.0, distance = 2.0, debugPoly = false },

    Vats = {
        -- Circle Zones
        { location = vector3(-1387.86, -310.35, 39.88), radius = 2.3, minZ=39.0, maxZ= 41.0, distance = 2.0, debugPoly = false },
        { location = vector3(-1391.2, -306.77, 39.88), radius = 2.3, minZ=39.0, maxZ= 41.0, distance = 2.0, debugPoly = false },
        { location = vector3(-1381.82, -305.67, 39.88), radius = 2.3, minZ=39.0, maxZ= 41.0, distance = 2.0, debugPoly = false },
        { location = vector3(-1385.29, -302.04, 39.88), radius = 2.3, minZ=39.0, maxZ= 41.0, distance = 2.0, debugPoly = false },

-- Config.Recipes  
Config.Recipes = {
    [1] = {
        Label = "Apple Lager",
        Description = "The Rebel Lager needs to ferment for a long time, but it is worth the wait",
        Image = "drink1.png",

        Mashing_Time = 300, -- seconds
        Mashing_Ingredients = { -- In this table you add all required items to start the mashing process.
            [1] = {
                item = 'grain',
                amount = 35

        Fermenting_Time = 600, -- seconds
        Fermenting_Ingredients = { -- In this table you add all required items to start the Fermenting process.
            [1] = {
                item = 'yeast',
                amount = 4
            [2] = {
                item = 'apple',
                amount = 25

        ---------- Bottle making process
        Required_Bottle_Item = "empty_beer_bottle",
        Finished_Bottle_Item = "apple_lager_beer",

        Bottle_Amount = 60, -- How many beer bottles you can make from one brew
    [2] = {
        Label = "Fruity Porter",
        Description = "Tasty and refreshing beer made with love and a bunch of fruits",
        Image = "drink1.png",

        Mashing_Time = 300, -- seconds
        Mashing_Ingredients = { -- In this table you add all required items to start the mashing process.
            [1] = {
               item = 'grain',
               amount = 50

        Fermenting_Time = 300, -- seconds
        Fermenting_Ingredients = {
            [1] = {
                item = 'yeast',
                amount = 1
            [2] = {
                item = 'grape',
                amount = 20
            [3] = {
                item = 'apple',
                amount = 20
            [4] = {
                item = 'pear',
                amount = 20
            [5] = {
                item = 'banana',
                amount = 20

        ---------- Bottle making process
        Required_Bottle_Item = "empty_beer_bottle",
        Finished_Bottle_Item = "fruity_porter_beer",

        Bottle_Amount = 60, -- How many beer bottles you can make from one brew
    [3] = {
        Label = "Neineken",
        Description = "Cheap knock-off Heineken made in Germany.",
        Image = "drink1.png",

        Mashing_Time = 300, -- seconds
        Mashing_Ingredients = { -- In this table you add all required items to start the mashing process.
            [1] = {
                item = 'grain',
                amount = 35

        Fermenting_Time = 600, -- seconds
        Fermenting_Ingredients = { -- In this table you add all required items to start the Fermenting process.
            [1] = {
                item = 'yeast',
                amount = 4
            [2] = {
                item = 'citrus',
                amount = 30
            [3] = {
                item = 'honey',
                amount = 15

        ---------- Bottle making process
        Required_Bottle_Item = "empty_beer_bottle",
        Finished_Bottle_Item = "neineken_beer",

        Bottle_Amount = 60, -- How many beer bottles you can make from one brew

Config.Usable_Items = {
    ["fruity_porter_beer"] = {
        Thirst = math.random(35, 55),

        -- Animation
        Prop = "prop_cs_beer_bot_01",

        ------- Effects  -------
        TrevorEffect  = false,
        AlienEffect = true,
    ["apple_lager_beer"] = {
        Thirst = math.random(35, 55),

        -- Animation
        Prop = "prop_cs_beer_bot_01",

        ------- Effects  -------
        TrevorEffect  = false,
        AlienEffect = true,
    ["neineken_beer"] = {
        Thirst = math.random(35, 55),

        -- Animation
        Prop = "prop_cs_beer_bot_01",

        ------- Effects  -------
        TrevorEffect  = false,
        AlienEffect = true,

Last updated