Config File

--      $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$$$\ $$\              $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  
--      $$  __$$\ $$  _____|$$  __$$\ $$  _____|$$ |            $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ \_$$  _|$$  __$$\\__$$  __|$$  __$$\ 
--      $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |            $$ /  \__|$$ /  \__|$$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |   $$ /  \__|
--      $$$$$$$  |$$$$$\    $$$$$$$\ |$$$$$\    $$ |            \$$$$$$\  $$ |      $$$$$$$  |  $$ |  $$$$$$$  |  $$ |   \$$$$$$\  
--      $$  __$$< $$  __|   $$  __$$\ $$  __|   $$ |             \____$$\ $$ |      $$  __$$<   $$ |  $$  ____/   $$ |    \____$$\ 
--      $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |            $$\   $$ |$$ |  $$\ $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |        $$ |   $$\   $$ |
--      $$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\       \$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |$$$$$$\ $$ |        $$ |   \$$$$$$  |
--      \__|  \__|\________|\_______/ \________|\________|       \______/  \______/ \__|  \__|\______|\__|        \__|    \______/ 

Config = {}

Config.Locale = "en" -- supported locales are "en", "swe" & "custom"
Config.Framework = "qb-core" -- set to "ESX", "qb-core" or "Custom" if you have a custom framework.
-- If you use qb-core set the framework to the name of your core folder. Example: If you have renamed your core to "test-core" set it to "test-core".
-- Edit the functions/events in client/edit.lua and server/edit.lua if you are using a custom framework.

Config.Required_Police = 1   -- How many police required to start heist

Config.Webhook = ""

Config.CashTrolleySpawnChance = 100 -- Odds for a cash trolley to spawn
Config.GoldTrolleySpawnChance = 100 -- Odds for a gold trolley to spawn
Config.Gold_Bars = {min = 4, max = 7}  -- How many gold bars one gold trolley should give. 
Config.Trolley_Marked_Bills = {min = 3000, max = 8000}  -- How many Marked Bills one cash trolley should give.
Config.Cash_Stack_Marked_Bills = {min = 6000, max = 12000}  -- How many Marked Bills one cash stack should give.

Config.Use_Item_As_Black_Money_With_Metadata = true -- Example, standard QBCore markedbills.
Config.Black_Money_Item = "markedbills" -- If you use the above option, set the item name here.
Config.Use_Item_As_Black_Money_Without_Metadata = false -- Example, an item called markedbills but uses amount instead of metadata.
-- ^^ if both are false then it will use esx standard black money.

Config.Require_Dufflebag = true  -- If the player would need to have a duffle bag on to do certain actions like thermite and looting trolleys, etc.
Config.Dufflebag_Slot = 45  -- By default 45, you may need to change this if you have custom clothing in your server.

Config.Police_Jobs = {
    ["police"] = true,
    ["bcso"] = true

Config.Blip_Options = {
    Enabled = true,
    Sprite = 108,
    Display = 4,
    Scale = 0.8,
    Colour = 2,
    Name = "Maze Bank West",
    Coords = vector3(-1368.3234863281, -484.21423339844, 33.190971374512),

Config.Minigames = {
    -- Minigame for the security desk
    Disable_Security_Minigame = {
        Minigame = "fingerprint",
        Extra_Params = {3, 1, 1},
        Required_Items = {"electronickit"},
        Remove_Items = true
    -- Minigame for the wall safes containing the keycards
    Wall_Safes_Minigame = {
        Minigame = "safecracker",
        Extra_Params = {},
        Required_Items = {},
        Remove_Items = false
    -- Minigame for the main vault
    Vault_Minigame = {
        Minigame = "ps-ui_var",
        Extra_Params = {5, 3},
        Required_Items = {},
        Remove_Items = false
    -- Minigame for the doors that leads to the trolley rooms containing the cash and the gold
    Trolley_Room_Access_Card_Minigame = {
        Minigame = "ps-ui_var",
        Extra_Params = {5, 3},
        Required_Items = {"mazebankwest_keycard"},
        Remove_Items = true
    -- Minigame for the thermite door behind the vault door
    Vault_Thermite_Door_Minigame = {
        Minigame = "ps-ui_thermite",
        Extra_Params = {10, 5, 3},
        Required_Items = {"thermite"},
        Remove_Items = true

    -- Entrance Room Required Items

    -- Minigame for the doors that leads to the trolley rooms containing the cash and the gold
    Vault_Room_Access_Card_Minigame = {
        Required_Items = {"mazebankwest_keycard"},
        Remove_Items = false
-- List of supported minigames:
-- ps-ui_circle -
-- ps-ui_number_maze -
-- ps-ui_var -
-- ps-ui_thermite -
-- ps-ui_scrambler -
-- np_laptop -
-- np_thermite -
-- datacrack -
-- fingerprint -
-- mhacking -
-- safecracker -

-- Example:
-- Disable_Security_Minigame = {
-- Minigame = "ps-ui_circle",
-- Extra_Params = {2, 20} | 2 = Number

Config.TrolleySpawns = {
    [1] = {
        type = "cash",
        coords = vector4(-1359.6180419922, -465.8742980957, 32.190486907959, 104.54253387451),
        walk_to_coords = vector4(-1360.1629638672, -466.21743774414, 33.198238372803, 281.62493896484), -- Coords the player will walk to before starting to grab cash
        ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
        ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
    [2] = {
        type = "cash",
        coords = vector4(-1361.0307617188, -467.5276184082, 32.190734863281, 10.499278068542),
        walk_to_coords = vector4(-1361.3345947266, -466.95989990234, 33.198486328125, 187.58172607422), -- Coords the player will walk to before starting to grab cash
        ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
        ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
    [3] = {
        type = "cash",
        coords = vector4(-1361.8774414063, -465.51458740234, 32.189949035645, 191.64527893066),
        walk_to_coords = vector4(-1361.5622558594, -466.07611083984, 33.197700500488, 8.7277030944824), -- Coords the player will walk to before starting to grab cash
        ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
        ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

    [4] = {
        type = "gold",
        coords = vector4(-1378.4390869141, -469.95471191406, 32.190532684326, 282.06506347656),
        walk_to_coords = vector4(-1377.8798828125, -469.63543701172, 33.200077056885, 99.147476196289), -- Coords the player will walk to before starting to grab cash
        ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
        ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
    [5] = {
        type = "gold",
        coords = vector4(-1378.6510009766, -468.48645019531, 32.190505981445, 277.74688720703),
        walk_to_coords = vector4(-1378.0693359375, -468.21020507813, 33.200050354004, 94.829299926758), -- Coords the player will walk to before starting to grab cash
        ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
        ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
    [6] = {
        type = "gold",
        coords = vector4(-1376.2623291016, -469.88604736328, 32.189987182617, 7.3758916854858),
        walk_to_coords = vector4(-1376.5347900391, -469.30261230469, 33.199531555176, 184.45832824707), -- Coords the player will walk to before starting to grab cash
        ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
        ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
    [7] = {
        type = "gold",
        coords = vector4(-1376.6016845703, -467.76443481445, 32.190845489502, 188.35972595215),
        walk_to_coords = vector4(-1376.3192138672, -468.34310913086, 33.200389862061, 5.4421515464783), -- Coords the player will walk to before starting to grab cash
        ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
        ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

Config.CashStackSpawns = {
    [1] = {
        coords = vector4(-1366.3021240234376, -471.6856994628906, 32.57311248779297, 280.0),
        walk_to_coords = vector4(-1367.2849121094, -471.79708862305, 33.132682800293, 281.37634277344), -- Coords the player will walk to before starting to grab cash
        ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
        ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
    [2] = {
        coords = vector4(-1365.2108154296876, -471.43878173828127, 32.57311248779297, 100.0),
        walk_to_coords = vector4(-1364.2280273438, -471.32739257813, 33.132682800293, 101.37631988525), -- Coords the player will walk to before starting to grab cash
        ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
        ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

-- Dont Touch
Config.Values = {
    ["Security_Disabled"] = false,
    ["Security_Busy"] = false,

    ["Wall_Safe_Looted1"] = false,
    ["Wall_Safe_Busy1"] = false,
    ["Wall_Safe_Looted2"] = false,
    ["Wall_Safe_Busy2"] = false,

    ["Vault_Busy"] = false,
    ["Vault_Open"] = false,

    ["Keycard_Busy1"] = false,
    ["Keycard_Busy2"] = false,
    ["Keycard_Doors_Unlocked"] = false,

    ["Trolley_Room_Busy3"] = false,
    ["Trolley_Room_Open3"] = false,
    ["Trolley_Room_Busy4"] = false,
    ["Trolley_Room_Open4"] = false,

    ["Vault_Thermite_Door_Busy"] = false,
    ["Vault_Thermite_Door_Open"] = false,

    ["Vault_Room_Keycard_Open"] = false,
    ["Vault_Room_Keycard_Timer"] = false,
    ["Vault_Room_Keycard_Cooldown"] = false,
    ["Vault_Room_Keycard_Busy1"] = false,
    ["Vault_Room_Keycard_Busy2"] = false,

    ["Vault_Room_Keycard_Triggered1"] = false,
    ["Vault_Room_Keycard_Triggered2"] = false,

Last updated