Config File

Config = {}

Config.Img = "qb-inventory/html/images/" -- Path to images folder. Example: "qb-inventory/html/images/", "esx_inventoryhud/html/images/" etc.

Config.Locale = "en" -- supported locales are "custom", "en", "pt", "pl", "no", "hu", "fr", "es", "dk", "de", "cs", "nl" & "sv"

Config.Framework = "qb-core" -- set to "ESX", "qb-core" or "Custom" if you have a custom framework.
-- If you use qb-core set the framework to the name of your core folder. Example: If you have renamed your core to "test-core" set it to "test-core".
-- Edit the functions/events in client/edit.lua and server/edit.lua if you are using a custom framework.

Config.Use_ESX_BlackMoney = false -- Set to true if you want to use ESX black money instead of items.

Config.Debug = false -- Set to true if you want to see debug messages in the server console.

Config.Webhook = "" -- Set to your discord webhook if you want to use discord logging. Example:

Config.Washable_Items = {
    -- The left string is the item name. The right string is the item value.
    ['markedbills'] = {
        worth_type = "metadata", -- Use this if your items worth is set in the metadata
        worth_identifier = "worth" -- Example Item name is markedbills, the item value is called worth
    ['black_money'] = {
        worth_type = "amount", -- Use this if your items worth is defined in how many of the same item you have. Ex: 600x Marked Cash

Config.Wash_Time = 15 -- 15% Example: $1000 would take 150 seconds to wash

-- Machine Locations For Drawtext Users --
Config.Machines = {
    ['Washing Machines'] = {
        vector3(1136.36, -992.15, 46.11),
        vector3(1136.09, -990.82, 46.11),
        vector3(1135.93, -989.49, 46.11),
        vector3(1135.84, -988.11, 46.11)
    ['Dryers'] = {
        vector3(1138.01, -989.86, 46.11),
        vector3(1138.12, -990.59, 46.11),
        vector3(1138.22, -991.31, 46.11),
        vector3(1138.3, -992.02, 46.11),
        vector3(1140.25, -991.71, 46.11),
        vector3(1140.21, -990.95, 46.11),
        vector3(1140.06, -990.26, 46.11),
        vector3(1139.98, -989.51, 46.11)
-- Machine Locations For Drawtext Users --

-- Machine Locations For Target Users --
Config.Machines_TARGET = {
    ['Washing Machines'] = {
        { location = vector3(1135.95, -992.19, 46.11), heading = 98.57, width = 0.8, depth = 0.2, minZ=45.8, maxZ=46.6, distance = 4.7 },
        { location = vector3(1135.75, -990.85, 46.11), heading = 98.57, width = 0.8, depth = 0.2, minZ=45.8, maxZ=46.6, distance = 4.7 },
        { location = vector3(1135.60, -989.55, 46.11), heading = 98.57, width = 0.8, depth = 0.2, minZ=45.8, maxZ=46.6, distance = 4.7 },
        { location = vector3(1135.42, -988.24, 46.11), heading = 98.57, width = 0.8, depth = 0.2, minZ=45.8, maxZ=46.6, distance = 4.7 },
    ['Dryers'] = {
        { location = vector3(1138.91, -991.87, 46.11), heading = 8.0, width = 0.73, depth = 0.73, minZ=45.2, maxZ=46.4, distance = 8.0 },
        { location = vector3(1138.80, -991.18, 46.11), heading = 8.0, width = 0.72, depth = 0.72, minZ=45.2, maxZ=46.4, distance = 8.0 },
        { location = vector3(1138.72, -990.47, 46.11), heading = 8.0, width = 0.72, depth = 0.72, minZ=45.2, maxZ=46.4, distance = 8.0 },
        { location = vector3(1138.62, -989.78, 46.11), heading = 8.0, width = 0.72, depth = 0.72, minZ=45.2, maxZ=46.4, distance = 8.0 },
        { location = vector3(1139.66, -991.77, 46.11), heading = 8.0, width = 0.72, depth = 0.72, minZ=45.2, maxZ=46.4, distance = 8.0 },
        { location = vector3(1139.56, -991.08, 46.11), heading = 8.0, width = 0.72, depth = 0.72, minZ=45.2, maxZ=46.4, distance = 8.0 },
        { location = vector3(1139.47, -990.34, 46.11), heading = 8.0, width = 0.72, depth = 0.72, minZ=45.2, maxZ=46.4, distance = 8.0 },
        { location = vector3(1139.4, -989.65, 46.11), heading = 8.0, width = 0.72, depth = 0.72, minZ=45.2, maxZ=46.4, distance = 8.0 },
-- Machine Locations For Target Users --

-- Money Destruction Rate
Config.MoneyDestructionRate = {
    [1] = { -- How many experience points are needed
        XP_To_Next_Level = 25, -- How many experience points are needed to reach the next level
        mdr = 50, -- How much percentage of the money that will be destroyed in the process
        experience_knowledge = 2 -- How many experience points should you get per successful money laundering
    [2] = {
        XP_To_Next_Level = 30,
        mdr = 45,
        experience_knowledge = 2
    [3] = {
        XP_To_Next_Level = 40,
        mdr = 40,
        experience_knowledge = 2
    [4] = {
        XP_To_Next_Level = 60,
        mdr = 38,
        experience_knowledge = 2
    [5] = {
        XP_To_Next_Level = 100,
        mdr = 36,
        experience_knowledge = 2
    [6] = {
        XP_To_Next_Level = 200,
        mdr = 34,
        experience_knowledge = 2
    [7] = {
        XP_To_Next_Level = 500,
        mdr = 32,
        experience_knowledge = 2
    [8] = {
        XP_To_Next_Level = 800,
        mdr = 30,
        experience_knowledge = 1
    [9] = {
        XP_To_Next_Level = 1200,
        mdr = 28,
        experience_knowledge = 1
    [10] = {
        XP_To_Next_Level = 1600,
        mdr = 26,
        experience_knowledge = 1

Last updated