Config File

--      $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$$$\ $$\              $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  
--      $$  __$$\ $$  _____|$$  __$$\ $$  _____|$$ |            $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ \_$$  _|$$  __$$\\__$$  __|$$  __$$\ 
--      $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |            $$ /  \__|$$ /  \__|$$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |   $$ /  \__|
--      $$$$$$$  |$$$$$\    $$$$$$$\ |$$$$$\    $$ |            \$$$$$$\  $$ |      $$$$$$$  |  $$ |  $$$$$$$  |  $$ |   \$$$$$$\  
--      $$  __$$< $$  __|   $$  __$$\ $$  __|   $$ |             \____$$\ $$ |      $$  __$$<   $$ |  $$  ____/   $$ |    \____$$\ 
--      $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |            $$\   $$ |$$ |  $$\ $$ |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |        $$ |   $$\   $$ |
--      $$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\       \$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |$$$$$$\ $$ |        $$ |   \$$$$$$  |
--      \__|  \__|\________|\_______/ \________|\________|       \______/  \______/ \__|  \__|\______|\__|        \__|    \______/ 

Config = {}

Config.Locale = "en" -- supported locales are "en", "sv" & "custom"
Config.Framework = "qb-core" -- set to "ESX", "qb-core" or "Custom" if you have a custom framework.
-- If you use qb-core set the framework to the name of your core folder. Example: If you have renamed your core to "test-core" set it to "test-core".
-- Edit the functions/events in client/edit.lua and server/edit.lua if you are using a custom framework.

Config.Webhook = ""
Config.Required_Police = 0 

Config.Police_Jobs = {
    ["police"] = true,
    ["bcso"] = true

Config.Cooldown = 20 -- in minutes. How long the cooldown is for players to rob the same fleeca again.

Config.Close_Command = "close_fleeca" -- Command for police to reset the banks. Set to false to disable.

Config.Require_Dufflebag = true  -- If the player would need to have a duffle bag on to do certain actions like thermite and looting trolleys, etc.
Config.Dufflebag_Slot = 45  -- By default 45, you may need to change this if you have custom clothing in your server.

Config.TrolleySpawnChance = 100 -- Odds for a trolley to spawn
Config.GoldTrolleyChance = 30 -- Odds for a trolley to be golden
Config.Gold_Bars = {min = 4, max = 7}  -- How many gold bars one gold trolley should give. 
Config.Trolley_Marked_Bills = {min = 3000, max = 8000}  -- How many Marked Bills one cash trolley should give.

Config.LockboxBagSpawnChance = 100 -- Odds for a lockbox bag to spawn. Maximum bags that can spawn is 4.
Config.LockboxBag_Marked_Bills = {min = 1000, max = 3000}  -- How many Marked Bills one lockbox should give.

Config.Use_Item_As_Black_Money_With_Metadata = false -- Example, standard QBCore markedbills.
Config.Black_Money_Item = "black_money" -- If you use the above option, set the item name here.
Config.Use_Item_As_Black_Money_Without_Metadata = true -- Example, an item called markedbills but uses amount instead of metadata.
-- ^^ if both are false then it will use esx standard black money.

-- Do not touch if you dont know what you are doing.
Config.Banks = {
    [1] = {
        Cooldown = false,
        Vault_Open = false,

        vault_coords = vector3(148.03, -1044.36, 29.51),
        vault_default_heading = 249.85,

        ["disable_security"] = {
            handle_location =           vector4(153.6, -1043.4, 29.87, 72.02),
            electricity_box_location =  vector4(149.6, -1054.68, 28.2, 69.07),

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_scrambler",
                Extra_Params = {"numeric", 30, 0},
                Required_Items = {},
                Remove_Items = false

            ["tampered"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["disabled"] = false -- dont touch

        ["vault_terminal"] = {
            animation_coords = vector4(146.7347, -1046.299, 29.6592, 159.8715),

            poly = {
                coords = vector4(146.76, -1046.28, 29.37, 340.0),
                length = 0.2,
                width = 0.4,
                debugPoly = false,
                minZ = 29.32,
                maxZ = 29.88

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_var",
                Extra_Params = {5, 3},
                Required_Items = {"electronickit", "trojan_usb"},
                Remove_Items = true

            ["opened"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        ["thermite"] = {
            animation_coords = vector4(149.63, -1046.37, 29.37, 160.28),

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_thermite",
                Extra_Params = {10, 5, 3},
                Required_Items = {"thermite"},
                Remove_Items = true

            ["opened"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        Trolley_Locations = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(149.03, -1044.77, 28.82, 160.8),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
            [2] = {
                coords = vector4(146.66, -1049.8, 28.82, 303.27),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
            [3] = {
                coords = vector4(149.79, -1050.89, 28.82, 10.38),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        Lock_Boxes = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(150.75, -1046.45, 28.35, -110.38),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
    [2] = {
        Cooldown = false,
        Vault_Open = false,

        vault_coords = vector3(-352.74, -53.57, 49.18),
        vault_default_heading = 250.86,

        ["disable_security"] = {
            handle_location = vector4(-350.24, -47.13, 54.97, 160.28),
            electricity_box_location = vector4(-354.59, -46.89, 53.43, -109.21),

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_scrambler",
                Extra_Params = {"numeric", 30, 0},
                Required_Items = {},
                Remove_Items = false

            ["tampered"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["disabled"] = false -- dont touch

        ["vault_terminal"] = {
            animation_coords = vector4(-354.0, -55.52, 49.37, 160.42),

            poly = {
                coords = vector4(-354.01, -55.62, 49.04, 342.0),
                length = 0.3,
                width = 0.4,
                debugPoly = false,
                minZ = 49.04,
                maxZ = 49.54

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_var",
                Extra_Params = {5, 3},
                Required_Items = {"electronickit", "trojan_usb"},
                Remove_Items = true

            ["opened"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        ["thermite"] = {
            animation_coords = vector4(-351.08, -55.57, 49.02, 157.02),

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_thermite",
                Extra_Params = {10, 5, 3},
                Required_Items = {"thermite"},
                Remove_Items = true

            ["opened"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        Trolley_Locations = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(-351.52, -53.92, 48.49, 161.27),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
            [2] = {
                coords = vector4(-350.83, -60.14, 48.49, 27.52),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
            [3] = {
                coords = vector4(-353.96, -58.98, 48.49, 293.62),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        Lock_Boxes = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(-349.95, -55.63, 48.01, -110.25),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
    [3] = {
        Cooldown = false,
        Vault_Open = false,

        vault_coords = vector3(-1211.26, -334.56, 37.92),
        vault_default_heading = 296.86,

        ["disable_security"] = {
            handle_location = vector4(-1204.52, -328.56, 38.35, 115.27),
            electricity_box_location = vector4(-1201.58, -337.56, 37.09, 26.52),

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_scrambler",
                Extra_Params = {"numeric", 30, 0},
                Required_Items = {},
                Remove_Items = false

            ["tampered"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["disabled"] = false -- dont touch

        ["vault_terminal"] = {
            animation_coords = vector4(-1210.74, -336.81, 38.09, -153.17),

            poly = {
                coords = vector4(-1210.67, -336.92, 37.78, 28.0),
                length = 0.3,
                width = 0.4,
                debugPoly = false,
                minZ = 37.04,
                maxZ = 39.04

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_var",
                Extra_Params = {5, 3},
                Required_Items = {"electronickit", "trojan_usb"},
                Remove_Items = true

            ["opened"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        ["thermite"] = {
            animation_coords = vector4(-1207.95, -334.92, 37.78, 205.18),

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_thermite",
                Extra_Params = {10, 5, 3},
                Required_Items = {"thermite"},
                Remove_Items = true

            ["opened"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        Trolley_Locations = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(-1210.29, -334.05, 37.23, 206.75),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
            [2] = {
                coords = vector4(-1205.15, -337.77, 37.23, 71.83),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
            [3] = {
                coords = vector4(-1208.22, -339.32, 37.23, 346.49),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        Lock_Boxes = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(-1207.82, -333.96, 36.76, -63.26),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
    [4] = {
        Cooldown = false,
        Vault_Open = false,

        vault_coords = vector3(312.36, -282.73, 54.3),
        vault_default_heading = 249.87,

        ["disable_security"] = {
            handle_location = vector4(291.93, -294.4, 54.54, -110.43),
            electricity_box_location = vector4(286.97, -301.86, 48.87, -109.28),

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_scrambler",
                Extra_Params = {"numeric", 30, 0},
                Required_Items = {},
                Remove_Items = false

            ["tampered"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["disabled"] = false -- dont touch

        ["vault_terminal"] = {
            animation_coords = vector4(311.05, -284.64, 54.49, 160.22),

            poly = {
                coords = vector4(311.04, -284.76, 54.16, 339.0),
                length = 0.3,
                width = 0.4,
                debugPoly = false,
                minZ = 54.04,
                maxZ = 55.04

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_var",
                Extra_Params = {5, 3},
                Required_Items = {"electronickit", "trojan_usb"},
                Remove_Items = true

            ["opened"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        ["thermite"] = {
            animation_coords = vector4(313.93, -284.72, 54.16, 157.93),

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_thermite",
                Extra_Params = {10, 5, 3},
                Required_Items = {"thermite"},
                Remove_Items = true

            ["opened"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        Trolley_Locations = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(313.38, -283.25, 53.62, 160.44),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
            [2] = {
                coords = vector4(314.19, -289.38, 53.62, 22.14),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
            [3] = {
                coords = vector4(310.99, -288.17, 53.62, 293.23),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        Lock_Boxes = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(315.14, -284.83, 53.14, -109.15),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
    [5] = {
        Cooldown = false,
        Vault_Open = false,

        vault_coords = vector3(1175.54, 2710.86, 38.23),
        vault_default_heading = 90,

        ["disable_security"] = {
            handle_location = vector4(1174.14, 2721.79, 38.56, 178.4),
            electricity_box_location = vector4(1177.34, 2721.92, 37.0, 179.78),

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_scrambler",
                Extra_Params = {"numeric", 30, 0},
                Required_Items = {},
                Remove_Items = false

            ["tampered"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["disabled"] = false -- dont touch

        ["vault_terminal"] = {
            animation_coords = vector4(1176.0927, 2713.1113, 38.4070, 0.0520),

            poly = {
                coords = vector4(1176.08, 2713.23, 38.08, 0.0),
                length = 0.3,
                width = 0.4,
                debugPoly = false,
                minZ = 38.04,
                maxZ = 39.04

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_var",
                Extra_Params = {5, 3},
                Required_Items = {"electronickit", "trojan_usb"},
                Remove_Items = true

            ["opened"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        ["thermite"] = {
            animation_coords = vector4(1174.2, 2713.83, 38.09, 355.31),

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_thermite",
                Extra_Params = {10, 5, 3},
                Required_Items = {"thermite"},
                Remove_Items = true

            ["opened"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        Trolley_Locations = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(1174.48, 2711.02, 37.54, 1.3),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
            [2] = {
                coords = vector4(1171.49, 2716.49, 37.54, 214.84),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
            [3] = {
                coords = vector4(1175.01, 2716.46, 37.54, 145.36),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        Lock_Boxes = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(1172.19, 2711.89, 37.07, 90),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
    [6] = {
        Cooldown = false,
        Vault_Open = false,

        vault_coords = vector3(-2958.54, 482.27, 15.84),
        vault_default_heading = 357.4,

        ["disable_security"] = {
            handle_location = vector4(-2948.55, 473.49, 15.84, 87.02),
            electricity_box_location = vector4(-2948.63, 486.87, 14.47, 177.76),

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_scrambler",
                Extra_Params = {"numeric", 30, 0},
                Required_Items = {},
                Remove_Items = false

            ["tampered"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["disabled"] = false -- dont touch

        ["vault_terminal"] = {
            animation_coords = vector4(-2956.308, 481.6295, 16.0163, -92.6332),

            poly = {
                coords = vector4(-2956.17, 481.63, 15.7, 87.0),
                length = 0.3,
                width = 0.4,
                debugPoly = false,
                minZ = 15.44,
                maxZ = 16.44

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_var",
                Extra_Params = {5, 3},
                Required_Items = {"electronickit", "trojan_usb"},
                Remove_Items = true

            ["opened"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        ["thermite"] = {
            animation_coords = vector4(-2955.67, 484.82, 15.7, 267.93),

            minigame_info = {
                Minigame = "ps-ui_thermite",
                Extra_Params = {10, 5, 3},
                Required_Items = {"thermite"},
                Remove_Items = true

            ["opened"] = false, -- dont touch
            ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        Trolley_Locations = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(-2958.45, 483.34, 15.15, 267.93),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
            [2] = {
                coords = vector4(-2952.69, 486.02, 15.15, 127.6),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch
            [3] = {
                coords = vector4(-2952.97, 482.61, 15.15, 42.57),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

        Lock_Boxes = {
            [1] = {
                coords = vector4(-2957.37, 485.58, 14.68, -2.25),
                ["looted"] = false, -- dont touch
                ["busy"] = false -- dont touch

Last updated